1WorldSync Product Content Orchestration Checklist

May 31, 2024

1WorldSync Product Content Orchestration Checklist

1WorldSync just launched its 2024 Product Content Orchestration Checklist. This ebook explores the four levels of Product Content Orchestration maturity and how brands and retailers can better harmonize their teams, systems and content.

Readers will discover where their organization resides on the maturity model, recommendations on how to advance to each stage and additional resources for teams to track their progress—all with the aim to create and distribute content that makes an impact.

Explore each level below and download the full checklist here.


LEVEL ONE: Ad Hoc Content Workflows

Organizations at the introductory stage tend to focus on:

  • Content Generation
  • Quality Imagery Carousels
  • Review Collection


LEVEL TWO: Building a Process

At level two, organizations start to manage and streamline internal processes surrounding product content such as:

  • Core Attribute Syndication Strategies
  • Automated Systems Integration
  • UGC Syndication


LEVEL THREE: Content Consistency

When organizations enter level three, their content strategies become more consistent and look to extend their content reach with:

  • Automated Sales Assets
  • Open-Sourced Catalog Marketplaces
  • E-Commerce Inline Content
  • UGC Analytics


LEVEL FOUR: Impactful 

This North Star for brands is where they are looking for continuous improvement and optimization via resources such as:

  • Rich Content Analytics
  • Retail E-Commerce Analytics
  • Product Sampling
  • Product Bundling


Regardless of organization and team size, readers will enjoy a tremendous amount of insight, content and resources that’ll power their growth with impactful content across all their channels.

Review the checklist here.