Trading Partners



Grocery E-Commerce Solutions Partner


On Grocery provides e-commerce solutions to grocers that encourages them to optimize their existing digital presence, while integrating transactions powered by e-commerce to accelerate the experience of shoppers. Our platform offers solutions that can seamlessly integrate with any existing POS and can be easily accessible via desktop and mobile devices.

GDSN Initiative

We are asking supplier partners to share your product content data via the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN). By accessing GDSN brand verified content, 2M+ shoppers will benefit from having access to the most accurate and up-to-date product information.


Why Participate?

By participating, your product offerings can be included for e-commerce searches and transactions across our participating retailers. We have also integrated with solutions providers such as Quotient Technology, NCH, and NCR. This will be especially beneficial among the pandemic supply and demand needs, and as we continue our rapid growth into the market.

Below are some of our current retail relationships with many more coming soon!


How to Participate

We are asking suppliers to take the following steps:
1. Fill out the On Grocery Trading Partner Form below
2. Review the On Grocery Implementation Guide
3. Publish your GDSN product content to the On Grocery GLN: 0860006017200

Data Sync Contacts

1WorldSync Customer Support
+1 866.280.4013

On Grocery
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Data Processing